Expectations for meeting

Tuesday, 27 تموز 2010 09:47 GMT

Lack of optimism shown by the parliamentary blocs on what they point to a meeting on Tuesday. Dialogues among the lists are not ready yet to resolve the issue presidencies Tuesday. What you may have with blocks to extend the parliamentary session open.

Meeting on Tuesday may experience an imbalance in the normal result of a mismatch between the various lists, and some hint of non- attendance. The rule of law , held a regular conference in the parliament building. Are still deciding to attend the meeting. The Iraqi List, it seems it was determined to be present within the parliament to verify their sovereign right to head the government as you think.

May not come to Tuesday's session is complete, new to the political level. Projects prepared by the coalitions to put some while the meeting is like the election of the presidency of the Parliament of temporary or calling a special meeting to describe the work of the government may not be accepted as a matter of opposition to the spirit of the Constitution of Iraq.
